I heart Bianca Hall

That's me. Lucky. Why? Because three days of each week I get to go along to "work" and spend my time looking at the most amazing homes, hunting down talented designers and finding the loveliest of pictures of it all. Each day I witness a parade of gorgeousness twirling and dancing it's way into my inbox, across my screen, and onto my desk. Yesterday I fell in love. Have a look at these..

"life would be rubbish without you"

"silence is golden"

As if the typography alone isn't gorgeous enough, this one is encrusted with diamond dust. Sadly, not the dust of actual diamonds, but of fine sheet glass that's been shattered into tiny glitter-like shards.  It's been used in the past by Andy Warhol and recently by Damien Hirst and Peter Blake. 

two of my favourite Andy Warhols

I WANT this Damien Hirst

...and a (Sir) Peter Blake I "love"

But back to my new love, her name is Bianca Hall. Elegant, contemporary - yet feminine and kitsch all at the same time. And clearly keeping good company with her choice of medium. While I think most of us are over the "words-on-the-wall" thing, I really like the way she uses colour in the lucky print - it reminds me of a certain new kids modular sofa store I heard about.... and a rainbow party I went to...
See more Peter Blake work here. And more Damien Hirst here.
And if you fancy purchasing or just perusing more Bianca Hall work have a look here.

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