Make it: Have yourself a crafty little christmas....

I always usually find that a morning of a pre-prepared craft activity with my boys primes them for a good day. By good I mean: a day of minimal emotional outbursts (on both our parts) and general good behaviour. Let me stress though that it only really works if the craft activity is well prepared. I often find myself bringing out the paint box as a final act of desperation on a bad day to ill-effect. Today was one of the well-prepared ones, and we made Christmas decorations. Now this was possibly the easiest thing we've ever made. Hugh is only 4 and he managed it no sweat, and Noah (at 20 months) even had a go. It costs next to nothing, uses things you already have in your kitchen and keeps kids entertained for at least half an hour...

All you need is: 
- a pack of air-dry clay
- ribbon
- cookie cutters
- rolling pin

The clay was about $8 for  pack. We only used half a pack and made about 20 of these little gems. The ribbon came from Tres Divin and the rest we had. I used my meat mallet, a skewer and pastry wheel to decorate them and they were dry after about 4 hours. Just make sure you remember to punch a hole through with the skewer before they dry to thread the ribbon through.
I'm thinking these might even be nice to use as gift tags on our christmas presents. Maybe I'll make some more with peoples names on them...
If you do give them a go, let me know how it went! Send me a pic! I'd love to see them!

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