DIY of the week: Ooshka Boys

I've always loved Babushkas - even now, despite their almost creepy presence everywhere... But with two boys I'd come to terms with my home forever being Babushka-less. Hold onto your hats! Sydney based artist, Lisa Tilse has created these divine little creatures she calls Ooshka Boys

Like them? Yes! So, can you sew? They are strictly a DIY project for the timebeing but Lisa hints on her site, The Red Thread, that they could be available ready-made soon. But, if Bernina's been needing a workout, maybe this is your next stop? You can buy the pattern here.

And if the Ooshka Boys didn't win you over, this will. The story behind the name The Red Thread is too beautiful not to. 

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place or circumstance. The red thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break."
Ancient Chinese Belief

"This Red Thread belief seems to resonate with many people. I named my business for this lovely Chinese belief after my husband and I adopted our daughter Roxy from China. There is no doubt that this amazing little girl, born half a world away, was absolutely meant to be our daughter. The red thread connected us and she’s the light of our lives."

I'd say with a mum like you Lisa, Roxy is one pretty lucky little girl too.

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