Anodized cups are back!!!

Noosh loves all things retro. Especially these little gems. Cool huh? They take me straight back to picnics at middle harbour with the fam, swimming in the seaweedy water, the buzz of outboard motors, the smell of 4 stroke mixed with lamb chops on the barbeque... My cousins and I used to have races swimming out to the moored yachts and back to shore... I treasure these kinds of memories. Life seems to have sped up so much since those polaroid days of tight shorts and tighter t-shirts. Note to self: Very important to remember to slow down sometimes so the kids get to have something fun to look back on when they're mums and dads with jobs and mortgages...
Back to the cups... Eco Cocoon is an Australian owned company, and their stainless steel cups come in sets of six, complete with their own neoprene cover. The children’s sets, both boy and girl, feature gorgeous motifs of princesses, pirates and animals on vivid, colourful stainless steel metal. 

The 'Retro' set appeals to adult tastes with six brilliant block colours. The Ecococoon 'Urban Chic' plain stainless set of six is great for everyone looking for contemporary and timeless cups that will stand the test of time.  Available here.

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