Ace space saturday - of a different kind...

Sigh. It's raining today in Sydney. Again. And my two little monsters are a little cabin feverish. They aren't giving me much of a chance to write up a post, so instead I've decided to turn our living area into an Ace Space (of sorts) to keep them occupied and perhaps use up some of their abundant energy.

I found this idea on Pinterest this week and it really is quite brilliant. It's kept these guys busy for a good 40 minutes (and in their world that's a lifetime). Simply cut up a bunch of squares out of bubble wrap (we just happened to have some in the laundry from a recent delivery), and tape them to the floor with masking tape. Voila! Instant Bubblewrap Hopscotch! They think it's an Ace Space - and that's all that matters today.

1 comment:

  1. Genius! We have serious cabin fever here as well. x


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