$100 Gift card up for grabs!

I know!!! And it gets better - not only are we talking US dollars, but the voucher is for the incredible online store ShopBop! Wow, wow and wow. Okay! Okay! The incredibly generous little lady offering this piece of bliss is my dear friend and fellow ex-Dolly-girl, Louise over at TableTonic. To enter, all you need to do is click on this link and leave some feedback for an entry!!
But wait! Before you all go racing off to enter, I want to tell you something very important about Miss Louise - see, her TableTonic blog baby is a FINALIST in the incredibly prestigious 2011 Apartment Therapy Homie Awards. More wow. So, while you're over there entering her comp, have a look around, it's a lovely blog - her house is D.I.V.I.N.E. and if you like what you see, jump over here to throw a vote her way. It would be so so so so great if an Aussie blog took out the prize! Okay, you can go now...

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